It’s no secret that everyone is always looking for ways to save money on gas. A vehicle with good fuel economy not only gets more miles per gallon but they also tend to have longer engine lives. The folks over at have outlined a few ways to increase your car’s fuel economy.
- Ensuring The Correct Pressure of Tires: Not only for the engine, the right pressure in tires have a huge impact over the fuel efficiency of a car. Keep a regular check over the tyre pressure of your vehicle. Remember that your engine will engulf around 10 per cent extra fuel if the tyre pressure is below recommended PSI. So, all those looking to minimize their fuel bill should always maintain right tyre pressure.
- Driving The New Car At Right Gear: Every specific speed level asks for an optimum gear level. Following the right gear for right speed will help in sufficiently decreasing your fuel bills and will also extend your power mill’s life.
- Always Keep Fuel Efficiency In Mind: Whenever and wherever you are driving, always devote a part of your attention to the fuel economy of your vehicle. Always accelerate the car very gradually after starting the car. Sudden acceleration often leads to loss of fuel economy and also puts extra exertion on the engine. Also, whenever the speed crosses 60mph speed mark make sure you are shifting to 5th gear.
- Avoid Frequent Throttling Of Brakes, Sudden Acceleration, and Gear Shifts:Remember these three points as the sole pillars of fuel efficiency of your vehicle. A single one falls out of place and your fuel bills will shoot steeply. Step as lightly as possible over the brakes and try not to stop your car whenever you need to slow down its speed.
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