Monday, May 12, 2014

Tips for Taking Your Baby on a Road Trip

Summer is almost here! That means many Americans will be hitting the road for vacations and road trips. If you have little ones, you know that buckling them up for a long car ride isn't always something to look forward to. How can you keep a baby happy on a road trip? These tips from BabyZone will help you have a happy trip with your baby.

Car Seat Safety
Make sure your baby’s car seat is the right size and that it’s properly installed. “Only 80 percent of child safety seats are installed correctly,” says Dr. Christopher Ryder, author of Take Your Pediatrician with You. Hospitals, pediatrician’s offices, fire departments, and police stations often hold car seat installation checks to teach parents how to properly install their child’s car seat.
Over Pack!
Be prepared to keep Baby busy by packing all the food you might possibly need, an assortment of toys, books, and any other items your baby is attached to. Bring Baby’s favorite music or a CD of nursery rhymes. If you’re traveling alone with Baby, keep your bag of tricks handy so you can reach over and hand it to the baby when needed. A packing checklist will come in handy.
The Right Time to Leave
Drive when it’s most likely Baby will sleep for a duration of the trip, if possible. Crystal Drennan, a mom from Utah, says she took a five-hour road trip to Idaho with her baby. “We left at bedtime,” she says. “I bathed him, gave him a sippy cup, put him in the car, and he slept the whole way.”
Soft Toys
Bring along soft, appropriate toys. Experts say anything in a car becomes a weapon during an accident because of the high speed of travel. Do not give your child heavy objects in car rides such as clunky toy trains or toys with sharp edges. Or consider buying a toy that attaches to Baby’s car seat.
Food and Drink
Avoid feeding Baby in the car seat while on the road. All too quickly babies can choke, even when drinking a bottle or out of a sippy cup. It’s best to pull over when Baby is ready to eat or needs a drink. (And think how much cleaner your car will be!) Also, it’s always good to know infant CPR, so consider taking a class before leaving on your trip.
Click here to read the full article and get more tips from BabyZone:


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